Unitil | Tips of the Trade
If you notice any type of suspicious activity near a pipeline marker, or if you see construction occurring near a marker with no utility personnel present, call the number listed on the marker to report it. Call this number as well if you notice a damaged marker.
Damage to a pipeline can cause a natural gas leak that results in a catastrophic fire or explosion. Signs of a gas leak may include a smell of sulfur or rotten eggs, a hissing or roaring sound, dirt spraying or blowing into the air, continuous bubbling in water, or vegetation that is dead/dying in an otherwise green area, or an exposed pipeline after a fire, flood, or other disaster. If you suspect a gas leak in the vicinity of a pipeline marker, leave the area immediately and warn others. From a safe location, call 911 and the phone number listed on the marker.
Additional digging guidelines, emergency procedures, case studies, instructional videos and training tools can all be found at no charge to you on Unitil's e-SMARTworkers website.
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